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AHP Examples

AHP-OS - Rational Decision making made easy

Here you find examples of decision problems, structured as a hierarchy. With a click on the link the corresponding hierarchy will be shown in the AHP online tool

Example 1: Buy MP3 Player

Example from my AHP video on Youtube
Link: Buy MP3 Player

1 hierarchy levels, 6 end nodes, 1 priority vectors

Example 2: Buy a tablet computer

Simple example to demonstrate the method
Link: Buy a tablet computer

1 hierarchy levels, 6 end nodes, 1 priority vectors

Example 3: Drinks consumed in the US

Link: Drinks consumed in the US
1 hierarchy level(s), 7 end nodes. 1 AHP priority vector

Reference: Decision making with the analytic hierarchy process, Thomas L. Saaty, Int. J. Services Sciences, Vol. 1, No. 1, 2008, p 83-98

Example 4: New Project Development in Automotive Industry

Link: New Project Development in Automotive Industry
1 hierarchy levels, 7 end nodes, 1 priority vectors

Reference: New product development projects prioritization with Analytic Hierarchy Process in an automotive company, Valério Antonio Pamplona Salomon et al.

Example 5: Supplier Selection

Link: Supplier evaluation for purchase of 3rd party equipment & services
2 hierarchy level, 11 end nodes, 4 priority vector

Reference: Supplier Selection Based on AHP Method, Thesis, Helsinki Metropolia University of Applied Science, 2013
Chengjing Jounio

Example 6: Choosing a graduate school

Link: Choosing a graduate school
2 hierarchy levels, 15 end nodes, 6 priority vectors

Reference: Mathematical Decision Making -An Overview of the Analytic Hierarchy Process, Steven Klutho

Example 7: Satisfaction with House

Link: Satisfaction with house
1 hierarchy levels, 8 end nodes, 1 priority vector

Reference: How to make a decision? The analytic hierarchy process. Saaty, European Journal of Operational Research 48 (1990) 9 - 26

AHP-OS author: Klaus D. Goepel, BPMSG. Last update: Mar 01, 2022 Rev: 178
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